I'm so proud of Abigail and her vision for Tru.Identity. She has always been a person who makes others feel special. Just being around her makes others smile because she brings joy into any and every situation. I hope that her initiative will encourage you and remind you that although no one is perfect, everyone is uniquely and wonderfully made. Our culture wants you to focus on who you are not, what you don't have, and what you can't do. But this road leads to discouragement, disappointment, and failure. Discovering your Tru.Identity allows you to focus on who you truly are, what blessings you have richly received, and the limitless potential you have!
I grew up in the most unique of families. My dad began touring with his contemporary Christian music group, TRUTH, before I could walk. With music as my passion, I was surrounded from day one by the most talented people on the planet. As a teen, I wasn't just comparing myself to friends at school; I compared myself to the stars I saw on the TRUTH stage. All I wanted to do was talk, dress and sing like them. In my eyes, I never measured up. But my dad used to say something in TRUTH concerts that changed my perspective. He would say, "When God made you, He didn't have anyone else in mind at all. He just wants you to be the best you that you can be, and He will do the rest."
We spend so much of our time trying to be like someone else. What a waste of time and energy! Only you can fulfill the purpose God has for your life. Instead of looking around, we need to look up. Focus on who He created you to be. He can even take what you consider your greatest weakness and turn it into your greatest strength.
I never thought I would ride the (TRUTH) bus. I never thought I would sing (with TRUTH). I never thought I would talk in front of people on a stage. But God had a different plan. He knew all along that my years of feeling inadequate or insufficient were just preparation years for me. Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I believe discovering your Tru.Identity begins when you discover that, when God created you, He didn't have anyone else in mind at all. If you will look up and trust His timing and plan for the dreams you have...nothing will be impossible for you!